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Hackney Kitchen
Royal Academy of Arts, London
Urban Jigsaw Exhibition, 2016 (project with Atelier Kite)
curator: Owen Hopkins
The RA invited architects to propose speculative ideas for the use of London's brownfield sites for a thematic exhibition and programme series. Along with three British practices, such as Stirling prize winner Maccreanor Lavington and almanac, I presented my vision with Atelier Kite for an alternative 21st-century food infrastructure operating along London's Overground network. More details here. Or listen to the RA's related podcast here.
Themes: rethinking the role of the domestic kitchen for current urban conditions of demographics, economic and social relations and growing environmental concerns. New typology for living, combining a range of food related functions from storage to waste management.
Hackney Kitchen
Babette's Town Feast
Babette's Town Feast
Town Square of Fredericia, Denmark, 2017
Contributors: EASA Denmark, Florian Siegel, Babette's Feast workshop, Damian Marchlewich (chef) & his team, Fredericia Kommune, Bernie Nielsen, Marie Fonvig, Gitte Lyager Ryan
Photo credits: Alexandra Kononchencko, Marie Fonvig.
Fredericia Food Lab
Fredericia, Denmark, 2017
Team members:
Florian Siegel, Fabio Bayro Kaiser, Martynas Germanavicius, Dora Gorenak, Medina Hadzic, Clara Hamann, Paulius Kliucininkas, Bruno Lang-Kosic, Veronika Ocadlíková, Ivan Vratnica, Monty Williams
Contributors: EASA Denmark, Fredericia Kommune, Bernie Nielsen, Marie Fonvig, Gitte Lyager Ryan, Michael Larsen, Lise Nielson
Photo credits: Alexandra Kononchencko, Florian Siegel
Fredericia Food Lab
Hob Hub
Hob Hub: A Kitchen to Share
City Living in Jätkäsaari Housing Fair 2018, Helsinki
exhibition organised by The Urban Academy
The 'hob-hub' is an experimental communal kitchen faciltiy operating both in physical space and as a virtual platform. Here, users get to shop, cook, eat or share food - fostering community as much as collaborative convenience.
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